Monday, April 25, 2011

Vegetable Gardening

Our vegetable garden seems to be going great. Just wanted to share what we have planted so far & we will continue to add to it. Dh built all of the boxes, as we wanted to do Square Foot Gardening. So far, we have planted Tomatoes, Bell Peppers, Jalapeno Peppers, Eggplants (2 types), Bush Beans & corn. I also bought a Blueberry plant on clearance & planted that in a pot. We also have our large (10+ years old) Fig Tree & 2 smaller ones that my dad planted & gave us. He is 77 & such a blessing to us in gardening knowledge & goods. We also have a Mulberry Tree that just appeared inside our Fig tree. We are guessing that maybe birds brought the seeds? Anyway, it seems to be doing great along the Fig tree. I pick a good handfull every afternoon, which is the only branches I can reach & pulll down. Wishing I could somehow reach more but glad to share with the birds, since I think it is their tree anyway~LOL
Looking forward to canning & dehydrating some of the fruits & vegetable for food storage.
Just for the background info~I have many health problems~Fibromyalgia, Diabetes, Sarcoidosis (am on Prednisone & Chemo for this), 2 bad disc in my back, 2 heart valves that are bad & a few other things~~so just saying this so you can see how easy gardening can be!! I do all the planting & caring for the plants. I usually can do this in an hour~just about each day~but enjoy being out there~~I usually spend more time.
Would love to see what you have planted this season!
Take care,
One of the boxes Dh built. I do most of the actual planting
& caring for the plants.

Bell Pepper

Jalapeno Pepper

Roma Tomato
